Please upload file having extensions .xlsb or .xlsm only and with a size less than 5MB.
Instructions: 1. Choose your Excel File (must be XLSM or XLSB) 2. Click "Hide My VBA!" 3. Your File will be downloaded automatically!
Note: Files must be in the open XML format! That means XLSM or XLSB Also, not all files will work! Sometimes binary data overwrites the items that must be modified. If your downloaded file is corrupt, open your original file, make a few small changes and try again.
Works with Most XLSB and XLSM Files
Donation Supported (free)
Makes VBA code hidden
No need for expensive software
Disclaimer: By using this tool, you agree to the following. HideMyVBA is not responsible for the loss of any data due to using this tool. This tool is server-side. That means you should not upload any sensitive information. Data on the server is not stored after download. As such, it cannot be retreived if lost. Not liable for any damages or harm due to the use or misuse of this service * This program is free software. It comes without any warranty.